MASSTWIN Exploratory Workshop, Antwerp, Belgium, April 18 - 20, 2018 / 18.04.2018

Exploratory workshop "Mass spectrometry in support of the environment and health interaction and disease" will take place in Elzenveld Hotel in Antwerp. Click the title to go to presentations....

Analytical challenges for the implementation of the Minamata Convention (M. Horvat)

Mass spectrometry for characterizingHuman internal chemical exposure: Strengths and challenges (J.-P. Antignac et al.)

Characterization of non-intentionally added substances in food packaging nanofilms by analytical approaches based on HRMS (M. H. Hernando Guil)

Beer fermentation processes and maldi-tof ms for brewing microbiology (A. Van Landschoot & A. Decloedt)

The challenges of identifying unknowns and NIAS in FCM (C. Nerín)

Isotopic signatures of Hg, Pb, Sr in the environment: unravelling biogeochemical pathways at ultra-traces levels and high precision (O.X.F. Donard et al.)

Stable Isotope Ratios for Food Traceability and Authentication (F. Camin)

A molecular status of health and disease: classification with high-end MS (R. M. A. Heeren)

Tracing the fate of nutrients in agricultural catchments by stable isotope techniques (K. Knöller et al.)

Application of mass spectrometry in brewing science (I. Košir et al.)

Accurate mass screening and identification of emerging contaminants & their transformation products in environmental samples (D. A. Lambropoulou)

Optical chemical sensors for food freshness (A. Lobnik et al.)

Identification and quantification of plastics and water soluble polymers in sewage and surface waters based on pyrolysis-GC/MS (J. Schwarzbauer)

Mass spectrometric analysis of cannabinoids in hemp in relation to health risk assessment (D. Žigon)