News and events

Satellite Event at 16th ICCE in Oslo, Norway, June 18-22, 2017


The satellite event was co-organized by projects MASSTWIN and ISO-FOOD- Its aim was to highlight the recent advances in instrumentation and its application in the environment, food and health related research, and by doing so, to explore the opportunities and challenges ahead.

Training workshop for stakeholders, June 15, Ljubljana


A half-day training workshop for stakeholders on application of stable isotopes for determination of origin and authenticity of food was organised for the experts from the Adminstration of Republic of Slovenia for food safety, veterinary and plant protection.

ISOSCAPE Summer School at Edmund Mach Foundation, San Michele All'adige, Italy, 1-4 August, 2017


The ISOSCAPE Summer School will take place at Campus San Michele all'Adige and is targeted to  to PhD students and postdoctoral researchers interested in learning more about the theoretical and technical aspects of assembling and working with large, spatially distributed stable isotope ratios datasets. The course will stress the integration of isotopes with other data types and methods within a geospatial framework. Read more...

Open Day at JSI 2017


MASSTWIN project was presented at the traditional Open Day on March 25, 2017

The first stakeholder event


The first MASSTWIN Stakeholder event took place on August 16th 2016, at the Žito d.d. Šmartinska cesta 154, 1000 Ljubljana.