MASSTWIN Stakeholder Meeting in Truške, Slovenia, October 25-26, 2018 / 12.11.2018
On 25th and 26th October, the first meeting of the REALMed project ("Pursuing authenticity and valorization of Mediterranean traditional products") took place. It wass divided into two parts; on the first day, the combined MASSTWIN-REALmed stakeholder event took place, while on the second day, the REALMed partners only met.
The meeting was organized in cooperation with MASSTWIN and the REALMed projects. The topic was authenticity and valorization of Mediterranean traditional products. It involves partners from 6 Mediterranean countries: Italy, Morocco Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, and Tunisia. Slovenian part deals with pursuing authenticity and valorization of Slovenian Truffles. Since the majority of stakeholders dealing with truffle production come from the coast, the stakeholders meeting took place in Truške village in the vicinity of the most famous white truffle sites in Slovenia — river Dragonja. In addition to the project partners, the meeting was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food; the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport; and local truffle producers.